Call for applications: INPhINIT Retaining Doctorate
Time Frame: a month and a half after the publication of the call (~December)
Organization: La Caixa Foundation
Objective: to support the best scientific talent and promote innovative and high quality research in Spain and Portugal by recruiting excellent international students and offering them an attractive and competitive environment to carry out cutting-edge research.
Objective: to contribute to the training of Spanish leaders, the encouragement of entrepreneurial spirit and activity in Spain and the research and dissemination of knowledge.
Objective: Aimed at Spanish graduates who are pursuing their doctoral degree in Spain and are interested in conducting predoctoral research projects in the US.
Objective: To offer a Spanish candidate the opportunity to collaborate for one academic year with Mott Community College (Flint, Michigan) to globalize their curriculum, organize a Study Abroad program and generally enhance the tools of Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL)..
Call for applications: The BritishSpanish Society Scholarship Awards
Time Frame: ~April-May
Organization: The BritishSpanish Society
Objective: to support links between the UK and Spain, sponsoring research in fields as diverse as medicine, urban planning, engineering, linguistics, literature, physics, architecture, marine archaeology and music.
Call for applications:CAROLINA Foundation scholarships for doctoral students
Time Frame: from publication until the date specified in the notice of application. (~March-April)
Organization: co-funding in which the Carolina Foundation, the student's university or institution of origin and the Spanish host university participate
Objective: The PhD scholarships are aimed at promoting the attainment of the academic degree of doctorate among the teaching staff of Latin American universities associated with the Carolina Foundation
Call for applications: Predoctoral Reasearch - Fullbright
Time Frame: ~April-October
Organization: The US Government and the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Education of Spain
Objective: To strengthen educational and cultural relations between the United States and Spain and to offer the grantees opportunities for research collaboration that will continue into the future.
Call for applications:Institutional Doctoral Program abroad (PDSE)
Time Frame: ~March
Organization: Coordination of Higher Education Personnel Training (CAPES)
Objective: To support the training of high-level human resources through the concession of scholarships for doctoral courses abroad recognized by CAPES. The stay abroad should include, as a priority, research in less established fields of knowledge in Brazil.
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