University Grants

Call for applications: Grants for predoctoral contracts from the University of Vigo
  • Time Frame: September 1st to October 10th.
  • Objective: Funding for the training of graduates integrated in research groups that are doing their doctoral thesis at the University of Vigo and that, depending on their skills and training, can become a new researcher in training through the formalization of a pre-doctoral contract.
  • Requirements: Neither have benefited from these or other similar grants in previous calls for applications or from a pre-doctoral grant of any kind, be enrolled in a doctoral program at the University of Vigo, have completed 300 ECTS credits, of which at least 60 must be of official postgraduate studies, be affiliated or commit to be affiliated to a research group of the University of Vigo, not possess a doctoral degree, have a weighted average grade equal to or higher than 1.
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Call for applications: Grants to the best BT/MT in the 2030 Agenda, development cooperation and USR-UVIGO
  • Time Frame: from the day after publication until September 30th (~July).
  • Objective: To recognize the final thesis of bachelor's and master's degree that stand out for being especially relevant in topics related to the 2030 Agenda, development cooperation and social responsibility, facilitating the free enrollment in studies that are a continuation of those already completed.
  • Requirements: Completed the BT or MT during the previous academic year with a grade equal to or higher than 8.5 and a subject matter related to the 2030 Agenda, development cooperation or corporate social responsibility.
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Call for applications: Academic excellence awards for students who are beginning their doctoral studies.
  • Time Frame: ~March-April
  • Objective: To reward new students of the University of Vigo who are about to embark on official doctoral studies and who stand out particularly for their excellent academic record in previous studies.
  • Requirements: To be enrolled for the first time in a doctoral program and to obtain a weighted average grade equal to or higher than 1.00 .
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Call for applicants: Grants for pre-doctoral contracts at the University of Vigo
  • Prazo: ~September-October
  • Objective: to finance the training of graduates integrated in research groups that are going to do their doctoral thesis at the University of Vigo and who can become a new researcher in training through the formalization of a pre-doctoral contract.
  • Requirements: To not have enjoyed these grants in previous calls or an aid to the predoctoral period (FPU, FPI,...), to be enrolled in a UVIGO PhD program, to have completed 300 ECTS (60 of postgraduate studies), to be affiliated with a research group, to not be in possession of a PhD degree and to have a weighted average grade equal to or higher than 1.00 .
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    Call for applications: Notice of pre-doctoral contracts  
    • Time Frame: one month after publication (~December)
    • Objective: training of PhD students in USC research groups, in order to carry out a doctoral thesis associated with a research project belonging to the USC.
    • Requirements: To be in possession of an official bachelor's degree or equivalent, and a master's degree or equivalent, provided that 300 ECTS were exceeded in the total of studies, that the date of completion of the studies is equal to or later than January 1, 2017 and if the degree is issued abroad, it must be equivalent to an official Spanish master's degree and must have been verified by the university.
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    Call for applications: Erasmus+ internships for doctoral students
    • Time Frame: ~December
    • Objectiveto enable USC doctoral students to carry out a research stay in which they will conduct activities directly related to their doctoral thesis in universities, research centers, institutions or companies in a country of the Erasmus+ program.
    • Requirements: PApplicants must be EU nationals and students must be enrolled in the second or subsequent years of the doctoral program.
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    Call for applications:  Grants for the payment of public fees for academic services for students enrolled in the fourth cycle
    • Time Frame: ~June-July
    • Objective:  All students enrolled in USC studying in the fourth cycle and who have not passed the 60 credits needed to obtain the Senior Diploma in IV Cycle can apply for the exemption of the payment of public fees. 
    • Requirements: Not qualifying for the Senior Diploma in IV Cycle, in case of having the nationality of a member state of the European Union who have the status of permanent residents or who prove to be workers, in the case of non-EU foreigners the regulations on the rights and freedoms of foreigners in Spain and their social integration will apply and the aid will be given by the Personal Available Income.
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    Call for applications: Grant for Linguistic Competences PDI

    • Time Frame: ~May
    • Objective: aid for the attendance and use of courses at the Language Center as a matter of urgency due to the imminent start of the summer courses
    • Requirements: Intends to carry out an international stay next year or later, teach or intends to teach in international double degrees, teach or intends to teach in bilingual degrees
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    Call for applications: Aid for pre-doctoral stays Inditex-UDC
    • Time Frame: ~October-November
    • Objective: to help UDC doctoral students stay in research centers abroad to supplement their studies, so that they can qualify for an international mention in their doctoral thesis. 
    • Requirements: Full-time students enrolled in a doctoral program at the UDC can benefit from these grants. In the case of applications from foreigners for stays in their country of origin or in another country where they had a contractual relationship or previous studies, the Monitoring Committee will assess whether the opportunity and objectives of the stay justify its funding
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