Conditions of Supervision and Management of the Thesis
The final admission to the Doctoral Program is associated with the appointment of a mentor by the Academic Committee, who will be a teacher of the program and with a permanent link to the University.
In general, the functions of the tutor will be:
- To oversee the interaction of the doctoral student with the Academic Committee.
- Together with the Director of the thesis, to ensure that the training and research activity of the doctoral student is in line with the objectives of the Program and to guide the teaching and research activities.
The Academic Committee may modify the appointment of the tutor at any time during the period of execution of the doctoral program, provided that there are justified reasons for doing so.
The Academic Committee, at the proposal of the student, will assign a Thesis Director to each candidate within a maximum period of 3 months from his or her enrollment, who will be responsible for the coherence and adequacy of the training activities, the impact and novelty in their field, the subject matter of the thesis and the guide in planning and its suitability, if applicable, to other projects and activities in which the doctoral student is enrolled.
The thesis may be directed by any national or international Doctor with accredited research experience, regardless of the university, center or institution in which they render their services. For these intents and purposes, accredited research experience is understood as the fulfillment of any of the following requirements:
- To have at least one sexennial of research activity.
- To have been, in the last 6 years, principal investigator of a research project financed by a public call (excluding the university's own).
- To accredit authorship or co-authorship, in the last 6 years, of at least 3 publications in journals included in the Journal Citations Report (JCR).
- Proof of authorship or co-authorship of an exploitation patent.
- Have directed a doctoral thesis in the last five years with a qualification of Outstanding Cum Laude or Approved Cum Laude that has resulted in at least one publication in journals indexed in the JCR with authorship or co-authorship of the PhD student.
If a professor of the program meets the requirements, they must provide the direction and supervision functions.
The thesis may be co-directed when there are academic reasons or when the interdisciplinary nature of the subject or the programs developed in national or international collaboration justify it. This co-direction must be previously authorized by the Academic Committee and may be revoked if, in the judgment of this Committee, it does not benefit the development of the thesis. The requirements to be fulfilled by the co-directors of the thesis are the same as those of the directors.