Defended Thesis


AMAIA PALENCIA ESTEBAN - Essays on Gender and Immigration in the EU Labor Markets

Supervised by Coral del Río and Olga Canto Sánchez (UVigo)
Thesis defense date: July 21, 2022

SUSANA ESCALONI VARELA - Análisis de la actividad auditora con perspectiva de género. Un estudio empírico aplicado a la determinación de los honorarios de auditoría de sociedades no cotizadas

Supervised by Francisco Javier López Corrales and María Mercedes Mareque Álvarez-Santullano (UVigo)
Thesis defense date: June 14, 2022

JAVIER TURIENZO RIVEIRO - La transformación del ecosistema de movilidad: tendencias, modelos de negocio futuros y su efecto en la cadena de valor global

Supervised by Jesús Fernández Lampón e Pablo Cabanelas Lorenzo (UVigo)
Thesis defense date: March 18, 2022

RAISA PÉREZ VAS - Opciones reales y economía sostenible: aplicación al sector de la acuicultura gallega

Supervised by María de Pilar Cibrán Ferraz (UVigo) e Irene Clara Pisón Fernández (USC)
Thesis defense date: March 8, 2022



Supervised by Eduardo Giménez Fernández (UVigo)
Thesis defense date: December 3, 2021

MANUEL CARLOS NOGUEIRA - Are International Rankings good predictors of Economic Growth?

Supervised by Mara Teresa Silva (University of Aveiro) and Carlos Hervés (UVigo)
Thesis defense date: September 29, 2021

IULIANA MIHAI - Novas perspectivas e métodos para o estudio dos determinantes socio-económicos da migración

Supervised by Isabel Novo Corti (UDC)
Thesis defense date: July 30, 2021

MANUEL ÁNGEL MEIJIDE VECINO - Factores que determinan a supervivencia da empresa galega

Supervised by Antonio Vaamonde Liste (UVigo)
Thesis defense date: July 22, 2021

RODRIGO CERVIÑO RODRÍGUEZ - Implantación de la administración electrónica en la gestión económica en las organizaciones Públicas

Supervised by José María Martín Moreno (UVigo)
Thesis defense date: July 21, 2021

FABIÁN XAVIER MARTÍNEZ ORTIZ - Estudio del comportamiento de los negocios pequeños con un enfoque de capital intelectual

Supervised by Xavier Martínez Cobas and Carlos María Fernández-Jardón (UVigo)
Thesis defense date: July 20, 2021

BILL JONATHAN SERRANO ORELLANA - Capital intelectual y actividad exportadora de la empresa

Supervised by José López Rodríguez (UDC)
Thesis defense date: July 6, 2021

BRAIS SUÁREZ EIROA - Integración de la economía circular en el marco del desarrollo sostenible: Marco teórico e implementación práctica

Supervised by Emilio M. Fernández Suárez and Gonzalo Méndez Martínez (UVigo)
Thesis defense date: June 29, 2021

BEATRIZ RODRÍGUEZ SALVADOR - Quality signalling and assurance of fish products from a consumer point of view

Supervised by Domingo Javier Calvo Dopico (UDC)
Thesis defense date: June 25, 2021

LUIS MIGUEL OTERO PRADA - Analysis of emotions in the behavior of service users

Supervised by Cristina Calvo Porral (UDC)
Thesis defense date: April 12, 2021

CARINA RIBEIRO DA SILVA - A cognitive approach to international ambidexterity and its impact on the speed of internationalization: an application to SMEs in a peripheral region of Europe

Supervised by Miguel González Loureiro (UVigo) and Vitor Braga 
Thesis defense date: February 24, 2021

NADIN OZCELIK - Efficiency and sustainability in the food sector: Critical assessment of circular economy lead indicators for water policy development

Supervised by Antonio Sartal (Uvigo) and Miguel Rodríguez Méndez (Uvigo) 
Thesis defense date: February 18, 2021

Supervised by Carlos Hervés Beloso (Uvigo) 
Thesis defense date: February 15, 2021

    MARTA RODRÍGUEZ DE LA FUENTE - Cadea de valor global do sector do automóbil: Multinacionais, empresas domésticas e xeografía da actividade produtiva

    Supervised by Jesús Fernando Lampón Caride (Uvigo) 
    Thesis defense date: January 19, 2021


      MARIANA TOUSSAINT - Sustentabilidade social na cadea de valor  alimentario

      Supervised by Pablo Cabanelas Lorenzo (Uvigo) 
      Thesis defense date: December 15, 2020

        AGOSTINHO CAMPOS FERREIRA  - The Origins of MasterCard

        Supervised by Carlos Hervés Beloso (UVigo) and Rafael Vallejo Pousada (Uvigo) 
        Thesis defense date: November 24, 2020

          VANESSA MATO SANTISO - Marketing de relaciones con los grupos de interés en organizaciones no lucrativas: hacia estrategias omnicanal

          Supervised by Marta Rey García (UDC) 
          Thesis defense date: September 25, 2020

            ANTONIO JOSE MONTEIRO DE OLIVEIRAEntrepreneurial Barriers: from Entrepreneurial Intention to Entrepreneurial Action

            Supervised by Carlos Hervés Beloso (UVigo) and Orlando Marques Lima Rua
            Thesis defense date: July 29, 2020

              EDGARDO EFRÉN DE VERA JOVERO  - Essays in international finance with a new-keynesian perspective

              Supervised by Alicia Pérez Alonso (UVigo) 
              Thesis defense date: July 27, 2020

              AMÂNDIO FRANCISCO CARIDE DA SILVA  - The impact of the intellectual Capital in Portuguese and Galician (Spanish) Companies in Timber and Related Industries

              Supervised by Carlos María Fernández-Jardón Fernández (UVigo) 
              Thesis defense date: July 16, 2020

              ELÓI MANUEL DIAS JORGE Three essays on the importance of monitoring consumer attitudes and behaviors for implementing sustainable production strategies in wine sector

              Supervised by María Beatriz González Sánchez (UVigo) and Ernesto López-Valeiras Sampedro (UVigo)
              Thesis defense date: July 6, 2020

              ANNA BYKOVA  - Foreign direct investiments as the driver of performance for companies from emerging markets

              Supervised by Carlos Maria Fernandez-Jardón (UVigo) 
              Thesis defense date: February 12, 2020


              CARLOS RODRÍGUEZ GARCÍA  - Nuevas metodologías para el cambio

              Supervised by Ana Martínez Senra (Uvigo)
              Thesis defense date: 2019

              ARIADNA MONJE AMOR  - The influence of structural and psychological empowerment on work engagement in service organisations

              Supervised by Nuria B. Calvo Babío (UDC) and José Pablo Abeal Vázquez (UDC).
              Thesis defense date: December 16, 2019

              JORGE FERREIRA   -  A personalizaçao dos conteúdos do webmarketing como promotora da relaçao e fidelizaçao do cliente

              Supervised by  Antonio Joaquim Magalhes Cardoso.
              Thesis defense date: December 5, 2019

              PETR PARSHAKOV  -  The economics of eSports: elements that affect performance

              Supervised by  Dennis Coates (UMBC), and Ángel A. Barajas (UVigo)
              Thesis defense date: October 24, 2019

              MARINA ZAVERTIAEVA  - Managerial personal traits and corporate financial policy

              Supervised by Félix J. López and Ángel A. Barajas (UVigo)
              Thesis defense date: June 20, 2019

              LUIS CARLOS SÁNCHEZ  - Influencia de la propiedad en la gestión de los equipos de fúbol europeos

              Supervised by Patricio Sánchez (UVigo) and Ángel A. Barajas (UVigo)
              Thesis defense date: June 15, 2019

              JORGE GUIDO SOTOMAYOR - Potencial de mercado e fixación de impostos locais: efectos sobre o crecemento económico rexional

              Supervised by Jesús López Rodríguez (UDC) and Laura Varela Candamio (UDC).
              Thesis defense date: May 16, 2019

              LUIS A. GOMES DE ALMEIDA  - Ensaios em finanças

              Supervised by Carlos Hervés Beloso (UVigo)
              Thesis defense date: February 8, 2019

              MARKO CRNOGORAC - Fiscal issues in former Yugoslavian countries

              Supervised by Santiago Lago-Peñas (UVigo)
              Thesis defense date: February 1, 2019

              CARLOS GROBA PRESA - Essays in logistics optimization: Algorithms and Game Theory for solving the Traveling Salesman Problem in dynamic scenarios

              Supervised by Xosé H. Vázquez Vicente (UVigo) and Antonio Sartal Rodríguez (UVigo)
              Thesis defense date: January 14, 2019


              CRISTINA DEL CASTILLO FEITO - Relationship between legitimacy, reputation and image in the Spanish public university

              Supervised by Encarnación González Vázquez (Uvigo) and Alicia Blanco González (URJC)
              Thesis defense date: December 19, 2018

              FERNANDO A. DE OLIVEIRA TAVARES - Hostels e hotéis boutique. Análise de fatores de seleçao na cidade de Oporto

              Supervised by José Antonio Fraiz Brea (UVigo)
              Thesis defense date: November 26, 2018

              BOZIDAR VLACIC - The role of managerial cognitive reasoning on the internationalization decision-making of small ventures

              Supervised by Miguel González-Loureiro (UVigo)
              Thesis defense date: July 11, 2018

              ROGELIO PESQUEIRA SÁNCHEZ - Technology behavior of millennials: an approach through the uses and gratifications theory

              Supervised by Cristina Calvo Porral (UDC) and José Andrés Faíña Medín (UDC)
              Thesis defense date: July 28, 2018

              BEATRIZ LÓPEZ BERMÚDEZEficiencia portuaria y modelos de gobernanza

              Supervised by María Jesús Freire Seoane (UDC)
              Thesis defense date: April 5, 2018

              LUIS F. BRITO GAONA- Inversión privada, gasto público y presión tributaria

              Supervised by Emma M. Iglesias Vázquez (UDC)
              Thesis defense date: February 26, 2018


              ANTONIA PÉREZ GARCÍA - Modelos y técnicas de relaciones públicas aplicables a las agencias de empleo y desarrollo local en el marco de la gestión y promoción turística en la provincia de A Coruña

              Supervised by Rosa María Torres Valdés and Valentín Alejandro Martínez
              Thesis defense date: November 3, 2017

              NICOLÁS GARCÍA TOREA- Essays on corporate social responsibility reporting: enhancing transparency and communication

              Supervised by Marta de la Cuesta González (UNED) and Belén Fernández-Feijóo Souto (UVigo)
              Thesis defense date: June 9, 2017

              DJAMEL RAHMANI -Valoración de las preferencias de los conductores por los vehículos híbridos a través de experimentos de elección discreta

              Supervised by María Luz Loureiro García (USC)
              Thesis defense date: May 5, 2017

              DAVID SOTO OÑATE- Institutional performance, historical experiences and cultural legacies: contributions from new institutional economics

              Supervised by Gonzalo Caballero Míguez (UVigo)
              Thesis defense date: April 7, 2017

              CARLOS FERNÁNDEZ HERRÁIZ - El ‘carry trade’ en los mercados de divisas actuales: un análisis aplicado sobre la base de la ratio de Sharpe a una selección de divisas latinoamericanas

              Supervised by A. Javier Prado Domínguez (UDC)
              Thesis defense date: 17 de febreiro de 2017


              NATALIA VAZ OGANDO- La Verificación de las Memorias de Sostenibilidad: factores determinantes de su mercado

              Supervised by Belén Fernández-Feijóo Souto (UVigo) and Silvia Ruiz Blanco (UVigo)
              Thesis defense date: 10 de xuño de 2017

              ELENA SHAKINA - Companies’ investment strategy for intangibles

              Supervised by Ángel Barajas Alonso (UVigo)
              Thesis defense date: 13 de maio de 2017