Defended Thesis
AMAIA PALENCIA ESTEBAN - Essays on Gender and Immigration in the EU Labor Markets
Supervised by Coral del Río and Olga Canto Sánchez (UVigo)
Thesis defense date: July 21, 2022
SUSANA ESCALONI VARELA - Análisis de la actividad auditora con perspectiva de género. Un estudio empírico aplicado a la determinación de los honorarios de auditoría de sociedades no cotizadas
Supervised by Francisco Javier López Corrales and María Mercedes Mareque Álvarez-Santullano (UVigo)
Thesis defense date: June 14, 2022
JAVIER TURIENZO RIVEIRO - La transformación del ecosistema de movilidad: tendencias, modelos de negocio futuros y su efecto en la cadena de valor global
Supervised by Jesús Fernández Lampón e Pablo Cabanelas Lorenzo (UVigo)
Thesis defense date: March 18, 2022
RAISA PÉREZ VAS - Opciones reales y economía sostenible: aplicación al sector de la acuicultura gallega
Supervised by María de Pilar Cibrán Ferraz (UVigo) e Irene Clara Pisón Fernández (USC)
Thesis defense date: March 8, 2022
Supervised by Eduardo Giménez Fernández (UVigo)
Thesis defense date: December 3, 2021
MANUEL CARLOS NOGUEIRA - Are International Rankings good predictors of Economic Growth?
Supervised by Mara Teresa Silva (University of Aveiro) and Carlos Hervés (UVigo)
Thesis defense date: September 29, 2021
IULIANA MIHAI - Novas perspectivas e métodos para o estudio dos determinantes socio-económicos da migración
Supervised by Isabel Novo Corti (UDC)
Thesis defense date: July 30, 2021
MANUEL ÁNGEL MEIJIDE VECINO - Factores que determinan a supervivencia da empresa galega
Supervised by Antonio Vaamonde Liste (UVigo)
Thesis defense date: July 22, 2021
RODRIGO CERVIÑO RODRÍGUEZ - Implantación de la administración electrónica en la gestión económica en las organizaciones Públicas
Supervised by José María Martín Moreno (UVigo)
Thesis defense date: July 21, 2021
FABIÁN XAVIER MARTÍNEZ ORTIZ - Estudio del comportamiento de los negocios pequeños con un enfoque de capital intelectual
Supervised by Xavier Martínez Cobas and Carlos María Fernández-Jardón (UVigo)
Thesis defense date: July 20, 2021
BILL JONATHAN SERRANO ORELLANA - Capital intelectual y actividad exportadora de la empresa
Supervised by José López Rodríguez (UDC)
Thesis defense date: July 6, 2021
BRAIS SUÁREZ EIROA - Integración de la economía circular en el marco del desarrollo sostenible: Marco teórico e implementación práctica
Supervised by Emilio M. Fernández Suárez and Gonzalo Méndez Martínez (UVigo)
Thesis defense date: June 29, 2021
BEATRIZ RODRÍGUEZ SALVADOR - Quality signalling and assurance of fish products from a consumer point of view
Supervised by Domingo Javier Calvo Dopico (UDC)
Thesis defense date: June 25, 2021
LUIS MIGUEL OTERO PRADA - Analysis of emotions in the behavior of service users
Supervised by Cristina Calvo Porral (UDC)
Thesis defense date: April 12, 2021
CARINA RIBEIRO DA SILVA - A cognitive approach to international ambidexterity and its impact on the speed of internationalization: an application to SMEs in a peripheral region of Europe
Supervised by Miguel González Loureiro (UVigo) and Vitor Braga
Thesis defense date: February 24, 2021
NADIN OZCELIK - Efficiency and sustainability in the food sector: Critical assessment of circular economy lead indicators for water policy development
Supervised by Antonio Sartal (Uvigo) and Miguel Rodríguez Méndez (Uvigo)
Thesis defense date: February 18, 2021
HUGO BALTASAR DEL VALLE-INCLÁN CRUCES - Issues on the measurement of opportunity inequality
Supervised by Carlos Hervés Beloso (Uvigo)
Thesis defense date: February 15, 2021
MARTA RODRÍGUEZ DE LA FUENTE - Cadea de valor global do sector do automóbil: Multinacionais, empresas domésticas e xeografía da actividade produtiva
Supervised by Jesús Fernando Lampón Caride (Uvigo)
Thesis defense date: January 19, 2021
MARIANA TOUSSAINT - Sustentabilidade social na cadea de valor alimentario
Supervised by Pablo Cabanelas Lorenzo (Uvigo)
Thesis defense date: December 15, 2020
Supervised by Carlos Hervés Beloso (UVigo) and Rafael Vallejo Pousada (Uvigo)
Thesis defense date: November 24, 2020
VANESSA MATO SANTISO - Marketing de relaciones con los grupos de interés en organizaciones no lucrativas: hacia estrategias omnicanal
Supervised by Marta Rey García (UDC)
Thesis defense date: September 25, 2020
ANTONIO JOSE MONTEIRO DE OLIVEIRA - Entrepreneurial Barriers: from Entrepreneurial Intention to Entrepreneurial Action
Supervised by Carlos Hervés Beloso (UVigo) and Orlando Marques Lima Rua
Thesis defense date: July 29, 2020
EDGARDO EFRÉN DE VERA JOVERO - Essays in international finance with a new-keynesian perspective
Supervised by Alicia Pérez Alonso (UVigo)
Thesis defense date: July 27, 2020
AMÂNDIO FRANCISCO CARIDE DA SILVA - The impact of the intellectual Capital in Portuguese and Galician (Spanish) Companies in Timber and Related Industries
Supervised by Carlos María Fernández-Jardón Fernández (UVigo)
Thesis defense date: July 16, 2020
ELÓI MANUEL DIAS JORGE - Three essays on the importance of monitoring consumer attitudes and behaviors for implementing sustainable production strategies in wine sector
Supervised by María Beatriz González Sánchez (UVigo) and Ernesto López-Valeiras Sampedro (UVigo)
Thesis defense date: July 6, 2020
JENNIFER GONZÁLEZ BLANCO - Explorando a interacción de diferentes axencias públicas de promoción da innovación nun sistema de gobernanza multinivel, e a relación entre diferentes tipos de innovación: tres ensaios sobre economía da innovación desde o enfoque de complementariedade
Supervised by Encarnación González Vázquez (UVigo) and Manuel Guisado González
Thesis defense date: February 21, 2020
ANNA BYKOVA - Foreign direct investiments as the driver of performance for companies from emerging markets
Supervised by Carlos Maria Fernandez-Jardón (UVigo)
Thesis defense date: February 12, 2020
CARLOS RODRÍGUEZ GARCÍA - Nuevas metodologías para el cambio
Supervised by Ana Martínez Senra (Uvigo)
Thesis defense date: 2019
ARIADNA MONJE AMOR - The influence of structural and psychological empowerment on work engagement in service organisations
Supervised by Nuria B. Calvo Babío (UDC) and José Pablo Abeal Vázquez (UDC).
Thesis defense date: December 16, 2019
JORGE FERREIRA - A personalizaçao dos conteúdos do webmarketing como promotora da relaçao e fidelizaçao do cliente
Supervised by Antonio Joaquim Magalhes Cardoso.
Thesis defense date: December 5, 2019
PETR PARSHAKOV - The economics of eSports: elements that affect performance
Supervised by Dennis Coates (UMBC), and Ángel A. Barajas (UVigo)
Thesis defense date: October 24, 2019
MARINA ZAVERTIAEVA - Managerial personal traits and corporate financial policy
Supervised by Félix J. López and Ángel A. Barajas (UVigo)
Thesis defense date: June 20, 2019
LUIS CARLOS SÁNCHEZ - Influencia de la propiedad en la gestión de los equipos de fúbol europeos
Supervised by Patricio Sánchez (UVigo) and Ángel A. Barajas (UVigo)
Thesis defense date: June 15, 2019
LUIS A. GOMES DE ALMEIDA - Ensaios em finanças
Supervised by Carlos Hervés Beloso (UVigo)
Thesis defense date: February 8, 2019
MARKO CRNOGORAC - Fiscal issues in former Yugoslavian countries
Supervised by Santiago Lago-Peñas (UVigo)
Thesis defense date: February 1, 2019
CARLOS GROBA PRESA - Essays in logistics optimization: Algorithms and Game Theory for solving the Traveling Salesman Problem in dynamic scenarios
Supervised by Xosé H. Vázquez Vicente (UVigo) and Antonio Sartal Rodríguez (UVigo)
Thesis defense date: January 14, 2019
CRISTINA DEL CASTILLO FEITO - Relationship between legitimacy, reputation and image in the Spanish public university
Supervised by Encarnación González Vázquez (Uvigo) and Alicia Blanco González (URJC)
Thesis defense date: December 19, 2018
FERNANDO A. DE OLIVEIRA TAVARES - Hostels e hotéis boutique. Análise de fatores de seleçao na cidade de Oporto
Supervised by José Antonio Fraiz Brea (UVigo)
Thesis defense date: November 26, 2018
IGNACIO DE LA PEÑA ZARZUELO - Historia, evolución y perspectivas de futuro en la utilización de técnicas de simulación en la gestión portuaria: aplicaciones en el análisis de operaciones, estrategia y planificación portuaria
Supervised by María Jesús Freire Seoane (UDC)
Thesis defense date: November 26, 2018
BOZIDAR VLACIC - The role of managerial cognitive reasoning on the internationalization decision-making of small ventures
Supervised by Miguel González-Loureiro (UVigo)
Thesis defense date: July 11, 2018
ROGELIO PESQUEIRA SÁNCHEZ - Technology behavior of millennials: an approach through the uses and gratifications theory
Supervised by Cristina Calvo Porral (UDC) and José Andrés Faíña Medín (UDC)
Thesis defense date: July 28, 2018
BEATRIZ LÓPEZ BERMÚDEZ - Eficiencia portuaria y modelos de gobernanza
Supervised by María Jesús Freire Seoane (UDC)
Thesis defense date: April 5, 2018
LUIS F. BRITO GAONA- Inversión privada, gasto público y presión tributaria
Supervised by Emma M. Iglesias Vázquez (UDC)
Thesis defense date: February 26, 2018
ANTONIA PÉREZ GARCÍA - Modelos y técnicas de relaciones públicas aplicables a las agencias de empleo y desarrollo local en el marco de la gestión y promoción turística en la provincia de A Coruña
Supervised by Rosa María Torres Valdés and Valentín Alejandro Martínez
Thesis defense date: November 3, 2017
NICOLÁS GARCÍA TOREA- Essays on corporate social responsibility reporting: enhancing transparency and communication
Supervised by Marta de la Cuesta González (UNED) and Belén Fernández-Feijóo Souto (UVigo)
Thesis defense date: June 9, 2017
DJAMEL RAHMANI -Valoración de las preferencias de los conductores por los vehículos híbridos a través de experimentos de elección discreta
Supervised by María Luz Loureiro García (USC)
Thesis defense date: May 5, 2017
DAVID SOTO OÑATE- Institutional performance, historical experiences and cultural legacies: contributions from new institutional economics
Supervised by Gonzalo Caballero Míguez (UVigo)
Thesis defense date: April 7, 2017
CARLOS FERNÁNDEZ HERRÁIZ - El ‘carry trade’ en los mercados de divisas actuales: un análisis aplicado sobre la base de la ratio de Sharpe a una selección de divisas latinoamericanas
Supervised by A. Javier Prado Domínguez (UDC)
Thesis defense date: 17 de febreiro de 2017
NATALIA VAZ OGANDO- La Verificación de las Memorias de Sostenibilidad: factores determinantes de su mercado
Supervised by Belén Fernández-Feijóo Souto (UVigo) and Silvia Ruiz Blanco (UVigo)
Thesis defense date: 10 de xuño de 2017
ELENA SHAKINA - Companies’ investment strategy for intangibles
Supervised by Ángel Barajas Alonso (UVigo)
Thesis defense date: 13 de maio de 2017